sundiss.. anyone back yet? or are they all still running around the travellodge or climbing out of holes..did the trance go down well...
Sundis was awesome although not that busy. The trance room wasn't very busy at all and compared to the main room was so slow. Lab4 were amazing, so much better than Promise. Caroline Banks was well good too
Well yeah, sorry I just meant that I'd never really realised just how much slower trance is compared to hard house. When I was in the trance it was all progressive bollocks. Can't be doing with prog trance at all.
Re: this ain't relevant but..... the soundsystem in the sundis tent last year was a complete and utter joke!
Re: Re: Re: this ain't relevant but..... you will probably catch herpes off half the people in there anyway mate, so i would deffo give it a wide birth!
It was okay, can't say I'm fussed about rushing back though! The trance room was mint, cool, good music and at times when it got busy the atmosphere was spot on. Everybody seemed to know everyone in there though so that's probs why The hard house room was busier but far from rammed, there didnt seem to be any atmopshere though, only when Lab 4 were on and things picked up. I like the club, not so sure about the carpets though! You can tell it's a ritzy venue normally
Re: Re: Re: this ain't relevant but..... if theres lots of strange ppl in there i should fit right in!!!
well i thought it was class! agreed that the trance room seemed really slow, but was nice to be able to rest my legs for a bit. lab 4 how fucking mint are they1 we had a tea party, with lunch boxes, barbie table cloth, plates, cups and napkins, and lab4 came and had tea with us for about an hour!!! was fucking mint everyone kept coming over and were like, wow that so class would of been a perfect nite if when we left james's car hadn't of been broken into, had his sub and amp knicked and all of chrissy and James(stickyhead) clothes nicked, theiving little bastards! anyway looking forward to the tidy summer bender now!