Sunderland Council have £82m invested abroad... ....they have £82m....Sunderland council!!!! Its like a mini version of Saddam Hussein and Iraq
why has a council got that much invested anywhere tho? thats a lot of money! they could do pennywell up real...quite nice with that
You'd think with all that money they could do the right thing and let everyone off with their council tax for a year.
the plight of pennywell has even reached your end ?? leave it that was i say, its like a linchpin of sunderland. no pennywell, no sunderland i once saw a wheely bin on bricks in pennywell
I have seen the plans that have been sent for planning permission for Pennywell, looks well smart! Shame its gunna be wasted on all those ratbags
There a far worse places than Pennywell allover Sunderland, Newcastle and Durham.Its nowhere near as bad as it used to be
i loved it back there, gutted i had to leave!!! i dont think i could have had a better childhood! its mad how you lived directly opposite from me all those years and we met on here .... :spangled: