Sunday nite This Sunday Spud and Si are coming to Consett to sample our nightlife. I believe Biatch may be bringing her baby sis too!! Anyone else that wants to come along feel free. Pm me and I'll let you know the crack!
Thats a bit harsh. There really is a quality night on at the pub where I used to work. They had banging techno tunage last week!!! You dont know til u try it!! It's not like we're talking about going to 'The Trades, two floors of cool'!!
Well there's no actually plans yet so you'll probs have to wiat til tomorrow to find out time, place etc. Hope thats ok. Ive got a lot of stuff to do today. Like going to the jobcentre to try and find a job!!
You havent been for years, never mind set foot in the place Im talking about. Its only been open since May so how can u judge if you aint been????? If you'd been and didnt like it fair enough, but you havent so you dont know! Come next time youre up and you will see what I mean
Errrrr.... bcos it's Consett! Reputations stick. Just look at John Leslie. I mean it people. Don't say I didn't warn u!
I will be there Honestly, i was pleasantly surprised last sunday... And coming from me, thats quite a compliment... If its as good as last week, then i see no reason why ppl wont really enjoy it :groovy: