Suggestion: Promise xmas party What about a Promise xmas party ppl I've just thought of this so if u think its a wank idea feel free to shoot it down in flames, but was thinking along the lines of... maybe midweek, just the always room, ressies/regs and maybe local guest DJ, for message board members & friends and promise regs maybe pressie tub where u buy a pressie for just a couple quid or so, put in the tub and everyone takes one out. thoughts?
tis a good idea, but i might be at home over xmas so probs wont be able to make it but its a good suggestion!
oops and matt of course!! actually am really looking forward to seeing kitikonti after missing him last time and only catching the last 10 mins of his set at gkgg. and mike and matt - can't be bad like can it???
The 20th will be the night of my work xmas party. So i am goin 2 cry now. Theres only 6 of us where i work so its not as if i can duck out of it. I was thinkin i could go afterwards cos it will be done by 12, but they are all talking about going to some horrible place like Sea. If i dont go along with them i will be sen as very unsociable. Grrrrr! :evil: Why didnt they book it for the Saturday like i told em to????? My only hope i think is to get them all so drunk that they are all sick everywhere by 11 and just want to go home.
yeah but i was thinking bout a special do just for the faithful, Promise organisers, and friends of the Ncle dance/club scene. Just get everyone together for a kick-off xmas bash What u reckon Mark?