Suggestion for a lineup Anne Savage Scot Project Kai Tracid Cosmic Gate Any 2 out of those 4 would make a class night! Tracid and Project's HARD trance really does blow the crowds away. Anne Savage can please ANY crowd and has proven to be as good with hard trance as with hard house, and Cosmic Gate would be interesting to see live. (I'd espescially like to see Scot Project and Anne Savage at Promise!) Your thoughts on this?
good line up IMO but dunno bout anne savage...always tend to think of her in the same way as i do bout alex p and brandon block...seen her once at creamfeilds and she was pretty poo...if she was on at promise though i would probs go just out of curiosity she has played at promise before though very early on
It depends. She is really a hard house DJ, and since I'm not a big fan of hard house, I don't always go for her style. For example, she was at Sudnissential at GK Carnival, hence why she played hard house. But if you listen to her playing Hard Trance, she is incredible! She would play hard trance if she was at Promise cos she'd know it was a trance crowd. Her trance sets are excellent.
We should have a residents night. Richard Tulip early set then Matt Hardwick and Guy Ornadel back to back for 4 Hours!!
Looks like a top line up, even if didnt get Anne savage to DJ, just have there to look well that would do me anyway....
Anne Savage would be there to listen to and look at Problam with Foundation is you can't see the DJ's very well though. By the way, when are Cosmic Gate coming to Promise?
Anne Savage isn't the tallest individual so you probably wouldn't see her at all! Good DJ in my opinion, but then I like hard house. Haven't heard her do much trance so can't comment on that.
i'd like to see cosmic gate! think anne savage would be good at promise similar to eddie hailwell. residents nite would deffo be a good idea though matt and guy back to back for 4hrs OMG
here essential mix was practically all trance some qhuite proggy aswell. apparently shes quite biug in canada for playing trance.
I guess some of the stuff she played at GK was on the trancier side of hard house too. Didn't hear her essential mix as the only time I am up that late is if I am out! Some of us need our beauty sleep! Would vote for her to play anyway, but I think most people know my musical leanings. Sarah G would be a good bet. She is playing much more trance than hard house these days, as some of you will find out at Solid tomorrow. Excellent DJ and top bird!
oh class!they shud do that thing a bit like passion do like b2b X2 vs b2b X2 or woteva n hav halliwell + tulip vs hardiwck + ornadel...ahh if only the dj box was big enuf!
I would love to see anne savage a promise, just to see what style she would play and how she would build up the crowd as compared to a larger crowd. Bring on the better tidy girl!