Stupid Picture Size Limitations!!!! ARGH :bang: How annoying?? I have made an image I want to upload little bigger than a bloody postage stamp and the board keeps giving me the "the image you have tried to upload is too large" bollocks!! Photoshop says its 13k. Windows says its 20k... Yet the board won't accept it!! Surely 30k is a more reasonable picture size? Also it seems daft having this limitation when linking to an image on a totally different site, as it doesnt take space on your server whatsoever, as the image is downloaded from the source whenever it is requested by a users browser.....n00bs. Dunno whos bright idea it was ( ) but it was much better when you were limited by actual picture size (eg 150X100 or whatever it was). Sort it out Rob, this computer has nearly been out the window
ey, it's limited to 100k and 540/540 according to the admin. I didn't think there was any limit on use of the images tags? Worth a test...
sorry yes I did mean avatar. In that case if its only 13k why does the board reject it? 30k is better Rob! It used to be done by dimensions and not file size! Plus like I said, when linking it wont clogg up your server Go on
It still is? It says 'the maximum size of your custom image is 139 by 139 pixels or 20000 bytes (whichever is smaller).'