Student Loan Question.... I live in my own place I am over 25 I have been financially independent for more than 3 years I work part time and earn roughly £10k p.a. I want as much money as possible for my loan do I apply for non-income asseseed or income assessed support?
I'd give them a call mate. Make sure you get the name of the person as I've had nothing but trouble from them arseing things up and expected me to pay more.
They are PROPER muppets at the centre you call for round here One of the women insisted that I call her Mrs Whateverhernamewas was and went in a right strop when i dropped the Mrs part and just called her Whateverhernamewas
what about me? ive seen a nice car i want - £3999 for a VW Cabriolet 1.8 and im thinking of part exing my car and gettin my student loan im 20 live with rents (officially) who earn ok never claimed work part time earn about 4.5k how much do you think?
yeah well i figure if i work for my keep its only fair, as some students dont get off thier lazy arses and live eat sleep and breathe their loan. i just wanna little car to love and cherish.
I never took mine out until the last year of my course, and I used it to pay off the MSc tuition fee that they're gonna dump on me this year Other people have done far better/worse with it, I read about someone last year who'd invested it carefully on the stock market and made back 3 times what he'd put in...