Street Fighter 4 - xbox 360 Mint game this, but im skint as fook so its gotta go. 20 quid if ya collect from Shields
Its alright, just a bit of button bashing, and does look very cartoony. but still good for 2 player. its all about Tekken on x box in the summer \o./
This game is seriously tactical if you play it to a good level. Ideally with a decent joystick. You play online against anyone decent and you will get your arse handed to you on a plate. Button bashing doesnt go far, the reason this game is so huge in tournaments is that it requires serious skill to master. And if you want it on thursday from shields pierre its yours. 20 quid
And in response to this bit. SF4 is fucking NAILS on any difficulty above easy. Infact, completing easy is pretty hard on the last boss. Takes tactical approaches to beat some of the opponents. Stay too close to some for too long andt hey will fuck you up.
Any one looking for a match can add me on my xbox gamer tag of Androoh. Partial to a bit of Street Fighter like. Getting fairly good with Dhalsim.