Strange question like... but can u buy crates of lager in supermarkets BEFORE 11am? am sure that by law it was only alcohol after 11am ?
ah well, shall have to hope we can find a supermarket or sumfink on way after 11am...spoil sports! lol!
Re: Re: Strange question like... we have a local shop where u can knock the owner up at anytime of the nite!!!
aye, def lifesavers............. our local shop is like the dial a drink of newcastle but we have to go to them!! :spangled:
as long as ya can get sorted tho - thats main thi8ng innit rite...better start getting ready etc... av a top weekend folks - am sure yas will anyway tho
Aslong as you have the correct license you can sell alcohol anytime you like. But it used to be 11am-11pm mon-sat then 12-4 sun, but that changed a few yrs back.
up here its still those times 4 most places..... the 24 hr asda at the metro can't sell drink after 11pm & places like booze buster n those sorts of places don't open til 11am!!!
nice one spudd, we've had to use dial a drink a couple of times, it is expensive like, but if needs must