Stolen Laptop Lecture Check this... i'd be BRICKING IT if i was the person who'd nicked it. This guy is a legend!
Shit........ Thats a hell of a speech to dump on someone. I bet its all bullshit and he's more bothered about the stash of kiddie porn on the laptop which could bring HIS career/life to an end!! Or nude pics of his mistress which he dont want publishing around campus!!
haha so all he has to do is make sure he doesnt turn it on until hes miles away if they had eye witnesses and an image and the exact location, why hasnt he got it back yet!? and if its sooo important then the fool shouldnt leave it unattented and obviously not secured.
Yeah right. If what's on the laptop is so important why isn't it backed up and why isn't it encrypted. I smell something...
bloody hell, if whoever took that laptop was sitting listening to that im suprised they didnt jump up half way through and own up to it!!!!