Steve O ? Is anyone going to see Steve O (jackass) when he's on tour ? He's at Northumbria Uni on the 11th of Feb !
me!!! whats he gonna do.. random trix n stoof? anyone else seen the movie yet?... his nu tattoo on his back is class
i thought jack ass was ok til i was forced to watch the same video on repeat 3 days/nites per week for 5/6 mths!! now i fucking h8 it!!!
the most ridiculous thing i saw on jack ass was sum of them staple gunning his balls to his thy!!! i ain't a bloke but it brought tears to my eyes!!!
before tey were jackass they were called CKY, there were the same without party boy and johnny knoxville and a couple of extra peeps. too funny, its basically the low budget jackass, or to extreme for tv. bam margera pisses on his dad when hes asleep. -thats too harsh. its on kazza, a couple of discs worth, well funny.