Steam As far as im aware, valve's steam network is being a bitch (for some, not all) it was a while ago, but steam updated itself, and now it's fucked. no joy, just cannot connect to it at all. i know there's a few people on here with it, anyone else experiencing this? i've checked the steam forums and there's an awful lot of complaints, but nothing concrete in the way of answers. im not running x-fire either, btw.
all i've really been able to find that sums up what (seems) to be happening to me is this: but it dont answer anything... im fairly sure my comp is secure, not running viruses and spyware, i dont use x-fire... :spangled: i start steam, tell it to connect, my comp goes VERY slow (like freezing up, then coming to life in bursts) until it says it can't connect. :spangled: im noticing that in the process of killing my system it loses my wireless connection, but it's got me baffled.