"Stalinistic Police" seize Shadow Immigration Minister Police acting WITHOUT the connsent or knowledge of the Prime Minister have seized Damian Green Tory MP. Green has been arrested after telling the public the truth about immigraton, things the govemerment dont want US to know. Things they want keapt from us. He has been questioned for 9 hr had his two homes ransacked and his office at the HOUSES OF PARLIMENT searched!!!! (its not sure if this is legal!!) Cross party anger has been delivered upon the police and the Lib Dems have said this is "a mayday warning for democracy", Tory Leader David Cameron has said "Serious questions need to be answered" over this KGB like action. Further proof this country is in lock down and that the Police are not in fact protectinng and serving but are a militia CONTROLING US. Fucking jackbooted fucks, smashing down the doors of ppl not conforming. Give them Berets and finish the job. Shocking anf very lucky for them this has been covered by the happenings in India
The conservative parties first political prisoner! At least it wasn't some greenpeace protestor/weed dealer for once. Fight the occupation. http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/war/the-purge-begins-200811281425/