spraying Right i have to spray two bits of plastic (light brow thingies for my car) so i've bought a plastic primer and a tin of the right colour. How is best to do it so i end up with a good job? I've never sprayed anything properly before Cheers.
do it inside. cover up everythung that can be sprayed by mistake. Then use very short and light horizontal sprays. very short and very light! its important as to aviod running. work in small squares from top to bottom so u have one light covering. then leave to dry and repeat after the advised drying time. Iv got to do a radiator this afternoon using the same method.
its also good if you can hang the pieces your spraying so you can reach every part. Take your time is the best advice.
Will i not have to sand the plastic down or anything? Or do i need to just get straight to work on the primer?
preparation is the key smooth, light strokes... you don't want it to run :camp: oo-er - it's like an episode of 'are you being served?'
Re: spraying Lots of light layers, dont rush it, you shud wet sand between layers with a very very fine wet and dry sand paper.
for best results find the smallest room, shut the doors an windows and relax but u dont wanna spray on a humid day affects ur finish an takes longer to dry, keep it in mind with this weather like bonce