splitting a large mp3 file into 2 whats the quickest and easiest way of doing it? is it still a case of uncompressing it to .wav then manually cutting and pasting into two files? cheers
depends - use Audacity (like soundforge) to chop it up in it's MP3 format. uncompressing/recompressing to wav just means even more audio loss. OR if it's for burning to CD (a 2 hour Ess mix onto 2 CDs) , load it in to Nero then file properties - leave the start time as zero, change the the finish time to 60:00mins for the 1st CD burn. Stick another disk in, properties again, set the start time to 60:01 and the end time as it should be.
just a note, to do this in Audacity you have to have the lame mp3 dll installed, then you export to a mp3, doing this re-encodes the mp3 (thats why u must have lame.dll) so therefore surely this is making the audio more lossely anyway??? its being uncompressed and recompressed by audacity as far as i can make out
as long as it knows where lame.dll is,i'm sure it just uses it to read the compression - so it can edit it.
it opened the mp3 fine (first time iv loaded a mp3 to audacity) but then when i came to "export selection as mp3" i had to d/l the lame .dll or it wouldnt do it, plus it takes like 6 mins to "save" this implies it is re-converting it a straight save from the progs clipboard would take seconds? its recompressing it = lossing quality
Try a simpler option, with something like this.. http://www.yaosoft.com/ I haven't used it, but I have used similar things such as a video splitter and they've always worked fine. As a side note, if the file you're splitting is a cd, you can use the supplied cue files to auto-split it into individual tracks using cue splitter.