Spiked I went out last night for a few drinks and was fine, didn't have that much to drink probably about 4 or 5 bottles, which I normally drink much more than. Then just standing in a bar I totally freaked out, didn't feel myself and ran outside I can't really explain how I felt, sort of like I wasn't in cotrol of my body and I wasn't inside it sort of thing :spangled: I somehow managed to get on the right bus home n stuff but it really scared me. I've never ever taken drugs or anything before and was wondering whether anyone thinks I could have bene spiked or something?!?!
Sounds like it but only a urine/blood test will confirm it. Makes me sick people who do that, its as bad as rape imo :evil:
Wish people spiked me. :think: Could have been but at the same time, a lot of people who think they've been spiked come up negative on tests. Could well have been an anxiety attack or something induced by the alcohol or too much caffeine or something.
I'm just glad I got on the bus, I got no idea how, I had 15missed calls on my phone and had sent a message to one of my mates saying im freaking out come pick me up Im really scared but then didn't answer the phone, had them well worried :spangled:
I honestly believe that the whole mania surrounding drinks spiking is a million times less than it should be. Ive had friends go mad after too many drinks, my ex used to have black outs from just a few cheap strong drinks ... mostly its just a combination of a load of physical reasons made worse by whats in the booze to begin with. I'd like to bet nobody knows what the hell they would need to get if they wanted to spike someones drink, or where to get it from - and lets face it, considering the nightclub scene is a pretty 'open' one - that says alot. Rohypnol is the classic 'date rape' drug - but even that was cracked down on years ago and any rohypnol these days is made with an ultra strong blue dye so its impossible to spike anyone without them noticing their drink has turned blue. And GHB is pretty hard to get ahold of and i'd imagine anyone drinking something spiked with that would notice their drink now tastes like seawater. Im not saying it never happens, but alot of people have this unneccesary fear of drink spiking to the point where any non positive experience with booze is instantly associated with spiking. Wow and i wrote all that with a hangover
I dunnoif I was, I just never felt like that b4 n I was only drinking bottles that I normally drink and not too many, was in the house by 11 I think :spangled: feel quite shit today but hey, least I got home safe
true but it could have been even something as simple as a caffeine/sugar rush if you were tired or run down... or something reacting with asprin/painkillers you might have taken ... or even just a reaction to stuff in whatever you were drinking, if it was alcopops then its a gamble what kind of crap they stick in those. It only takes feeling a slight bit different for people to just freak out and react completely different out of fear and things - if you feel fine today then its honestly probably that.
i think i tend to believe most of that also... i just don't see how there are loads of weirdos going round wasting drugs on complete strangers for kicks. one my friends went out and got so pissed a few weeks ago that eventually she had to be taken home. the bouncers had to carry her out, and stand in the road to flag a taxi down as she was so limp and out of it. once she was home she started flailing around on the floor back in her kitchen and was in a state of drunkeness that lead a few people to comment that she had possibly been spiked. she then went on to piss herself, not pleasant at all. however there was no doubt in my mind that her state was entirely induced by alchohol, but i was amazed at how many of my friends (mostly non drug-users) were adament she had been spiked. i think yet again it is a case of the media whipping up the public to believe we are in much greater danger than is actually the true reality.
you had me pretty worried i'll be honest, one minute we are standing having a drink... next minute, ur gone :spangled: at least ur ok tho.
I used to work for NHS Direct and we got a lot of calls from people claiming to have been spiked but then being very exact about what they thought it was e.g. oh I've been spiked with pills and speed..OK, how do you know what is was.. I'm not for a minute suggesting this is you Nat but I think a lot of people, go out, get drunk, decide to try drugs and then have a panic. I know if I was carried into A and E after a heavy sesh, god forbid, then I would tell the docs everything but then tell the parents big boys did it and ran away. I don't see the point of wasting drugs on someone then following them round to see what their reaction is, though that's not to say it has never happended, just in 12/13 years of clubbing I have never known anyone who was spiked...well, unwillingly that is..
Yeah I agree with everything evertyone's said! Maybe it was jsut the environment or I just freaked out for some reason, would never touch drugs like so I defo didn't try them willingly, the main thing is that I got home safe and I don't feel that bad today. Think it'll make me more careful with drinks when I'm out just in case and just hope I don't feel like that again!!
bad crack that like nat hope u is ok, could either be an anixety attack or maybe u were spiked, there's some fuck ups around these days that would spike people especially girls, proper daft ***** in my opinion that really need to check themselves, you could kill somebody spiking them it's not just a laugh or a fuck on:evil: if i got spiked even if it was by a so called mate, as soon as i'd recovered i'd kick the fuck out of them
I still cant believe people actually enjoy spiking others. There certainly are some sick fucks out there :evil: Hope your ok Nat, whatever it was.
It wasn't a panic attack it was Geebee, my cousin had the same thing except her mates took her home for my disabled aunty to look after. If you'd had any more you probably wouldn't have got home. Fucking nightmare
Spiking is a myth imo. Why would anyone waste good drugs giving them to someone they dont even know. :spangled:
My sister.. I remember that, I was away in Scotland at the time. She'd only been out a little while and had one glass of wine.