Spare a thought......... Just incase you didn't know its Holocaust memorial day today and i just thought it would be nice if we all took a minute to spare a thought to the 6 million Jews and millions of other victims who perished during the Holocaust. Rest in peace
mint, i get so worked up about the whole thing, i remember learnin it in history (all those years ago lol) nd we watched schlindlers(sp) list even the charva lads had a tear in thier eye. it facinates me how normal people (well germans ) could have been so stupid to follow hitler. weird. hitler=:evil: . we also had this play about it, nd at the end they gave you a bit of paper with the name of a jewish person that was murdered, ive kept it, its all thats left of that person, a name and a date. awful. spare a thought - defo.
i cant remember exactlee.. aint had history for 5 years but didnt a vast majority of germans have no idea what was goin on for a bit? i duno.. cud be wrong.
Dunno which is true there but i think we should just forget about trying to blame someone. Enough people have been persecuted for what has happen lets not make there children suffer for it too.
Re: Spare a thought......... Thanks for pointing this out as I'm sure not many of us knew. Im sure we'll all take a moment to think of those who suffered at such a terrible time.
And the lesson is... No matter where we are from, what we call god or if we even have a god, what language we speak, what colour our skin is, if we are straight or gay, female or male etc etc. We all should have our basic human rights no matter what. This is even more poignant this week as our government is "looking at" changing our human right to “not be tortured or sent to a county that may torture us”. All in the name of a war on terror.