Sound Lab Slipmats... I just got my new Technics decks last week and they came with Sound Lab slipmats!!! :spangled: I mean WTF am I gonna do with Sound Lab slipmats!!! does anyone have Sound Lab decks??? who wants a pair???
Use them and stop being stuck up..... I aint got fuck all writing wise on me slipmats but there still on me dekcs :d
To be honest, the best thing for you to do is this: When ya wanna eat ya tea in the living room but ur wearing shorts and are afraid to put the hot plate on ya leg and have mysteriously ran out of towels or trays USE THE SLIPMATS under the plate. Hey presto it dont burn ya!!
No as in i got technics slipmats with them aswell so why the fuck would i use them or want to use them when i have a very nice pair of technices ones!!! What i dont undertand is why the fuck they were in the technics boxes!!! :spangled: Plus they look cheap and nasty coz they are Sound Lab!!!!
For one, it's the same company, I believe. For two, Soundlab aint shit by any means, they're just nothing compared the the mighty 1210. Fantastic beginner deck tho!
Simple as.... The slipmats aint gonna effect the way that ya DJ unless there rubber or summit - just like em for that they are - if ya dont like them then compain to the shop sure they will help ya out after all its there fuck up innit....
No they gave me some extra soundlab slipmats on top of the ones you usually get with new technics!!! so im sorted for slipmats just wondered if anyone wanted the soundlab ones since they look shit and i have no use for them!!!
The way that ya had worded it was as if they were the "Only" Slipmats that ya got - someone may want them like !
mmm maybe but I did mention it twice before you noticed so it just might be that your not the most observant of peeps!!! (Just a thought)
So am I coz if you ask anyone that does know me then youll find i dont take shit from anyone!!! People like us dont tend to get on to well
Opposites attract man...... The post got out of hand fookin ages ago - i thought u had said u got sent only one pair of slipmats when u never u got two - big deal its a message board - ill get over it
The name on the slipmat is hardly going to effect your mixing but all too often you will find that a cheaper make of slipmat can make the feel of the decks different. Stanton jhave relesed a new low friction Slipmat with holes all over it. Its really good actually...