soulwax jus got 2many djs crrrreeeeem! :groovy: :groovy: :groovy: friday was my first promise in aaages and it was class.. fourth time ive seen hardwick and th best time.. now.. wheres weswood... :evil:
soulwax have seemed to have their profile lifted 100x since the summer like!! if ya's think 2manydjs is class get their set from christmas day last year on radio 1 !!!(cheers bri)
If you can find a copy of this get it NOW as Soulwax are being taken to court again over clearance issues - so it's been hastily removed from record stores just like the first mix album they did. You have all been warned!!
Yeah but will still be all over the net GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR @ fukkin ppl tryin to spoil soulwax! ffs they are havin FUN! leave em be!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: