i figured it out after 6months che - ive got the patience of a saint.. i wait ageeeees for downloads... i'll wait 4/5 hrs for a decent set.
Soulseek users - get the New Version and then it will work, if you've been having problems. Ché how do you use the Trance addict hub on Direct connect if you haven't posted on TA enough? Is there another way around? I can't be arsed to post.
post ur soulseek name... so i can bleed you dry on my trusty 56k... bwahahaha. mines crasherkid original i know.
Re: Soulseek Yep, i posted sumthing about this a week ago cheers for the response http://www.promisealways.com/messages/showthread.php?threadid=13541&highlight=soulseek