Soul music... You can't beat it imo Nothing better than sitting down with a mug of hot chocolate, listening to a bit of Otis Reading
even a smoking sess with your mates is better with a spliff, this reminds me of a song… One sunny day I was riding my bike, smoking a joint cos that’s what I like. A police man stopped me and began to stare, and he said "Hey sonny whatcha smokin' there?" I said "It’s a reefer do you want some policeman, it’s a reefer do you want a blast, its a reefer do you want some policeman, or would you prefer me to shove it up your ass?" So the policeman jumped back on his bike, and took my reefer which he quite like, he got back to the station and his eyes were all red, and the sergeant said "Constable, you re out of your head!" He Said "Yeah, it’s a reefer do you want some sargent, it’s a reefer do you want a blast, its a reefer do you want some sergeant or would you prefer me to shove it up your ass?" The sergeant said that he thought it was a joke, and went to the bathroom to have a lil toke, when he got back, you should have seen his face, for there were joints being passed round every copper in the place.. Well I sold em two ounces and one sixteen, and they rolled the biggest join that the world had ever seen, and they all sang together "it a reefer do u want some matthew, its a reefer do u want a blast? its a reefer do u want some matthew, thanks for the company and thanks for the grass!" Thank you
the originals done my a band called Mindless Drug Hoover, tunes called The Reefer Song, off an old ambient trance compliation album called Wasted, think its from 1992 or 1993. If anyone gets the chance, download a song "One Dove-Fallen" or it might have been "White Dove" amazing tune.. i ve also just realised this was the first time i got into trance
i sure will, but just think of how good its gonna be when you finally spark up again, it will be worth the wait im sure!