Sorry There more bitchin on this board than pointless threads at the min *debatable* so im just gona say im sorry.....AGAIN, to those who didnt find my threads amusin. But i would like to quickly explain them.....basically it was just a bit of fun for those who were stuck in last friday, we had a bit of a laugh and really i should have deleted them at the end of the nite, but i dunno how so IMO a few people over reacted cos there is always random threads on the board, i just went a bit OTT. IMO its what is fun on the board, cos i dont really know people well enough to have "chats" with them like what most people do on this board Those are the threads that piss me off, but i dont say out, i mean whats the point in readin sum1 elses conversasion? :rollseyes:
I can see why ppl were pissed off at all the random shit on friday nite......... sorry davey but it was canny excessive but I can see your point of view........ there was a few ppl stuck at home not at promise, and tbh, u did provide some canny entertainment for me at least... at the time I think there was only 1 person a bit pissed off about it, and a few on the board, incl me, just having a laff....... gave me summik to keep me amused for a couple hours. next time though maybe just 1 thread with a big RANDOM ALERT warning on it for ppl not at promise so it can be easily avoided...... then we can be as random as we want with offending anyone this board would get pretty dull if all the threads were serious and random disappeared completely methinks .... how does that sound ok to anyone????
sounds good...i think also its getting to the stage where ppl are confussed about the boarder of random in some ppls eyes alot of stuff could be random and in alot of others it could be sumit they wanna read and reply to.. but like u said if sum1 post sumthing knowing its random ..put a warning in the tittle so other board members know.