Sorry 4 not attempting to entertain u over the last couple of days, but on Wednesday i was sacked! This was all because my wanka ex-boss gave me a bad reference! I cant do them as it was a questionarre and not an official reference! FUCKING WANK! BACK ON THE DOLE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nope ya can't do shit about it. It happened to me about a yr and a half ago. All ya can do is try and get a reference from somewhere else and get a new job.
lol, i love my job, its such a laugh!! im guna be working next to u on tues ruth, my place moves to a building above the empress, thats near u innit? we cud "do lunch"
i dunno why but i thought u worked next to central station ah well, never mind, we can "do lunch" some other time pm box is emptied, but im going out for a drive in ade's mini with him n daniel now ill pm ya later
i'm just trying to make u a better person duncan by helping u show a bit of respect 4 ppl & a pm wud've looked better!! but then it wudn't b my oppinion!!
What ever Rufus. I ahve better things to do today than wate my time on you. And it would be your opinion as i would of asked you for YOUR opinion. Unlike some people who say "if i want your opinion i'll give it to you"