Someones got a Virus! You dirty teenagers! Anyone else keep getting Emails like "Mail System Error - Returned Mail from" emails or "the email you sent to X contained a virus and was not delivered" Iv been getting loads. They are caused by a nasty virus called "Klez" it sends itself out but makes the mail look like it was sent from someone else (selected at random from the infected persons address book). I haven't actually sent these ppl email but I get the return failure mails cos Klez has made it look like I have. A few board members have my home email address and it COULD be one of YOU who is infected! If you havent got a shit hot up2date Virus checked I reco you d/l and use this little scanning tool to check your system. It will only take a min run.
STDs have been eliminated from the Promise Board since Glitter Angel was given a family sized box of condoms. (joke!)
Ive been getting mails from my mums old work email which is supossed to be unavailable, maybe this si why I thought it was someone trying to be clever sending me viruses/hacked implants or summat, i sent one back saying i was gonna get in touch with the police if they didnt stop it!