some handy TW3 info this has been circulating on a few boards, Well its less five days to kick-off for tidy weekender 3 – and all is going well – we take occupancy of site on Tuesday and its all wagons rolling from there on... As many of you are probably aware, a few weeks back those lovely people at Radio City had a weekender at Pontins – which ended in a near riot. Their event, which was billed as "two nights and three days of seaside madness", (sounds a bit like our strapline don’t you think?) has caused Pontins and the local Police to evaluate the security operation at such large events – we have a good track record at Pontins and our crowd is known for its friendly and safe vibe – we have been asked to put a number of measures in place to ensure this continues. If you don’t have a ticket for the event – you wont get in – if you are found fence jumping or on the site illegally you will be dealt with by the Police. These are some of the measures in place – I have taken the unusual step of revealing some of them in advance, these have been put in place not as a way of stopping you having a good time – but to prevent unwanted visitors and protect the potential long life of the event. Outside fence patrols with guard dogs Enhanced security patrols around the site at night – to prevent any repeat of what happened in April last year Drug detection dog will be in use – cars and bags will be checked randomly before being allowed on site A search of all patrons entering the site UV hand stamp for all customers ( don’t think about pretending you have lost your band to get another one for mates ) YOU MUST FILL IN A SEPARATE INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION CARD WHEN YOU ENTER SITE – YOU MUST KNOW THE FULL NAME OF YOUR PARTY LEADER . IF YOU DON’T YOU WILL BE KEPT OFF SITE UNTIL YOU DO Do not bring drugs on the site – if you are found with drugs on entry to the site you will be refused admission and if we believe your intention is to supply you will be handed over to the Police.