so who else is jus puttin off work? got up early 2day (well was woken up by the fone @9) intendin to do some work... an hour an a half later an i still haven't got anywhere near to startin it... an its not like i'm doing anythin interesting instead...
i got up with full intentions to go to work, spent an hour and a half putting my make up on, even got to the bus stop, then had to come home coz i was being sick!
came home from uni early to 'avoid distractions' an i haven't even got my books an stuff out of the car... jus been sat on the inet or in the pub, no fuckin will power @all
i'm 26 and i havent been into a job centre, or had a job, next friday i'm going to go to the job centre and get myself a job.
how do u cope? i find myself needing to buy a new wardrobe every week, id be lost if i wasnt working!!
ive got shit loads of cash, and ive done just about everything i want to, so ive come to the stage in my life where i want to experience, work, not hard work mind,
lol, come and work at my place, its hard work, but not in the sense where its like manual hard work!!
will the place i get a job, pay me the most amount of cash, 4 the least amount of work, that sounds like a good deal to me.
if u want the number, pm me, they r recruiting ppl now im sure i could cope working with you, u arnt that cringe worthy
Aint you lot broke up for easter? I got 3 weeks off Back of the net!!! Pah, and i'm spending one week up here in this cold!!! Nee good! This is Cassie BTW!