Snow!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Finally snowin, itll be nice for about 2 hours then ill hate it, time to get random chavas wit snowballs!
Was snowing when I was out flyering on NYE/NYD but only for about half an hour and ground was too wet for it to lie. Fooking hate the b@stard snow!
bloody hell, im down in hebburn, south tyneside,m and its lashing down with snow, its lying as well, i think i need to goto the shop, just so i can play with the handbrake in the car park, lol
aye me 3, but the snows all meltin here! better that it melts now though, cos i like snow but theres nowt worse than slush and ice!!
Try living in Consett. It's been snowing quite a lot here and it looks like its here to stay for a while! Looks like theres more of it to come aswell!
My bedroom is in the attic and my windows are snowed in. I didnt actually realise it was snow until i seen this post, thought it was just light
yuk yuk yuk, snow!! snow looks pretty when ure indoors but as soon as u get out into the harsh reality of it, yuk!
my big brother loves the snow, and even more than loving the snow, he loves to throw it at me and scrub it in my face and make me cry, years of this has drove me to hate snow YUK YUK YUK!!