It was an arse getting out of my village, but UNFORTUNATELY all the roads were clear which meant i was able to make it to work. I was hoping to be snowed in. fucksticks.
It's the Illuminati controlling our Christmas weather. Or maybe it's to do with global warming? Bahhh, shit I'm confused...
danny, are you becoming a one-trick harsher? Come on your better than that. I'd use a few non descript softneners first to get my guard dropped and me saying something controversial, before leading into a body blow illuminati comment personally. Otherwise it all just looks a bit 'internet warrior' young padawan
Got woke up at 5am by a shitload of ppl havin a snowball fight in the street, was like a scene off a film, looked fun mind.
any1 know what the snows like near whitlybay and in the toon area? stuck in stanley at the moment and realy needed to get into town
been snowing none stop for about 2 hours now in washington, forcast for next 8 hours too. cant see it being much different for town
I'm stuck in fucking penrith on my own with no money, no food, freezing cold and everyone at uni has already gone home. AANyone who could have given me a lift can't get here in the car
think its stopped for now, well it has in gatesheeeeeed anyhow... i believe it will return, hope am snowed in monday morning for work..
This ice left over on the roads is fucking treacherous, my house is on a slope & the road outside my bedroom is complete ice, I've had to go outside 5 times now to help people push there cars away from my window I've a feeling I'll have a car or worse a van through my window at this rate. Wheres a fucking gritter when u need 1.
I goto uni here but unlike some others, I decided to stay here and finish my work off before leaving for christmas cos I couldn't be arsed with it once I get home. As soon as I was ready to leave I hear that newcastle is looking like a christmas card. Also been eating the last of my food all week and finished it all off on thursday night. Now all I have left is stuff like pasta sauces and butter. Nearest shop is 2miles away and the fucker caught fire a couple of weeks ago so is closed until the roof is rebuilt. The only other shop is a sommerfield a bit further away but it's icey as fuck and I'm also skint The whole campus is deserted here now.. luckily I was able to nab some chicken breast pieces out of the freezer that someone left