slow computer i recently had a system problem which stopped my computer starting up... i took to the shop and they couldnt fix it. i then bought a new copy of windows xp and repaired the version i had. my computer now starts up but its much slower than it ever was before. + firefox takes longer to refresh and is slow when i scroll up/down. would re-installing programs work at all? any ideas how to sort this out would be much appreciated! ta!
You ran chkdsk on the drive? And de-fragged it recently? Norton Utilities would probably help you out a bit, but there's no point in re-installing anything. If you still have probs after checking the drive and defragmenting it, you may have a drive problem. Download a prog called HDD scan and repair, if still no joy...
disc defrag wont work... has an error message. not been connected to the internet for ages so a virus is unlikely. would buying a shiney new hard-drive be an idea? downloaded that hdd scan and repair so will have a look... where is chkdsk?
Right-click on your hd in my computer, properties --> tools --> check now, check both boxes, scan now. Back-up important personal files first tho. HDD scan and repair may be a bit better tho. Don't like error with defrag, if still probs, new hd - they're cheap as chips now anyways
before buying a new hard drive, try and just formatting and re-installing windows rather than just using the repair option or installing windows over the top of it
think im gonna do that pete, cheers, my flatmate said the same! just need a million cd's to back up all my crap! cheers mike as well
Don't buy a new hard drive - it's not that. Sounds more like a virus/spy ware problem. It's probably chuffed the registry. You could spend ages trying to fix it. just flatten it, reformat the hard drive and re-install from scratch. harsh but it'll do the trick.
aye cheers! think thats what im gonna do... just need to back up most of the decent stuff on my hd! this may sound stupid but how exactly do i remove everything from my hd? its not something i've ever had to do before! ta!
smog - read this and check it out: also, check how much RAM you've got in your PC, I've been given a mates PC to fix because it's running slowly under XP, mainly because it's got 64mb 128mb is the bare minimum for XP, get 256 if you don't already have it.
cheers for that conway, will look into it when i get me comp up n running! my ram is 512 i fink had to get a new hard drive any way because my old one was actually fucked, just hope i can rescue the last few things i need off it... only prob now is my windows cd has a crack on the cd so it wont install. getting a new one now for cheap
What I usually do is take the old drive out, put the new one in. Install windows on your new disk. Then connect your old drive as a slave on the primary channel, this gives it a drive letter of D or E, or sometimes even F depending on what else you have in the machine. From here you just access it like you would your normal drive and copy all the stuff off you need. Then remove your old drive. Don't throw it away - keep it in case you've missed something (unlikely if you copy the Documents and Settings Directory). Then install all your programs as needed. Sorted
Depends on how I'm feelin But probs yes Hopefully it'll be a new brand of p/killers by then Three for a tenner
aye that was my plan, thats confirmed it tho, ta! my old windows disc is buggered so have got new one, just got to wait for delivery.