*slightly random* Stress Levels my lord im soooooo scheduled. here is tomorrow broken down- 7.30 get my lazy ass outa my pit 7.45 wash myself 8.15 caffine injection 8.25 leave house 8.30 get metro or ill be late 9.00 Psycology 10.30 Tutorial 11.30 Driving lesson - get bow ties off ness - 2.30 Biology 4.30 Ring jewelz 5.00 Work 6.30 meet jewelz 7.30 work 'do' 8.30 hopefully meet ness 2/3.00 stagger home 9.00 Sat- work 1.00 IM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE can anyone tell me a way of remembering to do things gettin there on time and not gettin stressed about it?? test your stress here try that fookin hell im 55% stressed but i put my real age in and it said "This is only an average score for someone of your age and sex. " meaning someone of my age can cope better???? eh?
This is what it said to me: You exhibit a stress percentage of 16% which barely registers. Get a job. Your Stress Test answers indicate that to reduce your stress level even further you should eliminate at least one of the following from your life immediately: consciousness. Tsk! i'll have it know the life of a student is very stressful! especially with no cash! And im tryin 2 get a job - got an interview 2moro... so ner to it :evil: But i hope ya start 2 de-stress soon... u sure got a hard schedule... but have confidence! you can manage :groovy:
13% not bad not bad at all, sez get a job but i hav a full time 1 sez iradicate.... unworthy boyfriendz!
u mean yrs sed that aswell! WOWWWWW! looks like im gonna hav 2 ditch 1 ov me boyfriendz, tino is safe 4 now... hav 2 be 1 ov the other 9 im only playin, eyes 4 u only alan!
44% which is about what you deserve. This is only an average score for someone of your age and sex. Your Stress Test answers indicate that to reduce your stress level you should eliminate at least one of the following from your life immediately: your significant other. consciousness. Well i guess there goes my concience