Sleep Paralysis. Right, it's been happening for a while now - but now it's starting to get irratating because i seem to stay in a mad state for a alot longer - and the effects seem to vary massively. and it's happening like twice a week now! E.G last night i was drifting off to sleep when it seemed like i was plunged suddenly into a dream, and it was me seemingly being slid around my bedroom floor on my back really forcefully in circles - as if i was being hoyed about by a polterguist (sp?). This wasnt as horrific as then having the horrible realisation that i wasnt really quite asleep and then clicked out of it and found myself on my bed again - where i was conscience only 2 minutes prior, yet not awake - but not really asleep (its really fucking hard to explain). this is the mad part - because i then registered this part as the sleep paralysis bit, and i've been trying to accept it and see how far i can take it, apparently it can be really insightful and spiritual according to some nutters, i have not found this to be true as yet. however this time, i was indeed within paralysis but my left arm and my right leg were still actually controllable! this was horrific since i could sort of see myself flailing about like a disabled cod for no apparent reason but to prove to myself what a silly situation this might seem to an outsider. i'm actually contemplating staying up for the next 3 weeks just to avoid it
aye it's a tad mad mate they'll be sending me to the loony bin soon keep on raving mate and i'm sure you experiance it, i'm blaming the early summer clubbing and shift work
You can usually bring it on by sleeping on your back after a massive session with your legs raised above your head and with the light on. So basically dont do any of the above and you shouldnt get it.
i had a shit kip too, but thats just because my mattress is like brighton beach. are you sure stu didnt slip some ket into your cider after i left ?
i used to get very similar things happening , used to think it was a bogie man in my old house . very scarey , then reliesed is was fun , then reliesed its was taking to many drugs and lack of sleep to the highest degree. ive decided now to have 1 very heavy binge per month
Had this only happen to me when I was 22 and only the once but I remember at the time it scared the shit out of me at the time since I had never read up about sleep paralysis. Felt like I was being pinned down and I remember that in my instance I was lying on my front and couldn't turn my head. A bit of an obscure fact (that I choose to remember out of being a geek) but interesting nonetheless - I remember reading that in the dark ages people associated the sensation with visitations by succubi/incubi. Those are the spirits that supposedly have sex with you in exchange for your soul.
Re: Sleep Paralysis. The medical world seem to be in agreement that this is brought on by too much mirror gazing and consumption of protien shakes
stop caining it then you can control it! i had it a few weeks ago, i thought one side of my body was working and i thought i was hitting and kicking mick to wake him up but he said i wasnt moving. was the worst I have had it for a long time. a few years back when i was out every weekend i had an old lady sitting on the end of my bed once, she had maggots crawling all over her face too