shaun you are a bit of a fuckin tool end like. you do constantly mention the fact you take ket. so fuck. we dont give a shit. and all these fuckin 'gurn' phrases or whatever the fuck they are. they just make you look like a little girl throwin a hissy fit. you are not the be all and end all of message boards. you are the clown who amuses us by making a fool of himself constantly. hmm i wonder what little werd youll have for us? or will you tell me to do some or go under? know your station shuan.
I'd like to see these blatent references you go on about, if you're going to make statements, at least back them up, or arent you able to do that my name is Shaun, spell it right LIKE
This constant bitching is really beginning to bore me....Lulu where are you..want to talk some random happy shit.....
all you have to do is look at any of your posts. they are full of them. im sure everyone can see it but yourself and if i wasnt at work i would back up my statements. shuan
If you cant back them up then shut up and since when have you been the model contributor to this board, infact who the hell are you