Skate videos Anyone seen Rodney Mullen skate videos? They're amazing. Some of the things he can do with a board is unreal, literally has to be seen to be believed. Now, I have no desire to skate whatsoever (why would I want to hurt myself? ) but can't get enough of watching em.
Nope!! I always used 2 enjoy watching the Rapture vids like there r sum nasty accidents on em like Like on tony hawks 2 4 the ps1 were a guy bost 1 of his bollocks!! OHH that had 2 hurt
That bollock incident certainly does look nasty. I think there's one of TH2 where some guy snaps his ankle too which looks pretty nasty
My wee cousin came to stay at mine one time and he had a load of skater vids with him, i was nearly sick watching some of them with the way they were falling and stuff. They were also having a carry on with one another on the vids and being sick on each other while they were sleeping and stuff.
on the subject of sick video's has any of u lot seen "YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!!" that also has skating accidents in as well as that kick boxing 1 & others!!! truely sick viewing!!! i enjoyed it funnily enuff!!! (but only after i'd already watched it & had got over feeling sick!!!)