Situation! Peeps I need your advice! Its a trickey one and quite personal but there isnt many ppl on the board that know me directly and the ppl that do I trust! A month ago my Dad called me to say him and my Mam were going to split up. I spoke to My mam and she was gutted it was down to my Dad he said he wasnt happy! When I spoke to My Dad I asked if there was someone else he said that wasnt relevant! However he said there was but it was nothing! I left it at that! A week later (as he has been working away which he does alot) he and my Mam are back together! When I asked my Mam about the other woman he told her that he wasnt seeing anyone it was just someone to talk to and she was encourging him to get back with my Mam! As you can appreciate every since then I have never trusted him! They are both away on holiday and wrongly or rightly I was checking on the house and checked a few things out in his office! I found a receipt that shows he was in a hotel in Newcasttle Friday gone when he told me and my Mam he was in Scotland! I found his phonebill with a number that is on all the time I called it and its a woman! What do I do next?????????????????? IM confused and deverstated that this has happened I always thought I had the perfect family!
Re: Situation! Be careful you might find something you don't want to. I would confront him with the evidence and the mash his face in. But thats me. Good luck with it though, it's a shit situation to say the least Try and keep it from your Mum though, until your sure either way
Re: Re: Situation! What do you mean find something I dont want too? How can I confront him with the evidence - that shows I went through his stuff! and waht if he has a perfec explanation for it (or a cover up) I dont want to hurt my Mum but I cant sit back and watch it all! BTW thanks for the advice much appreciated! x
Yeah but I have no hard evidence to say that number is the person I think he is having an affiar with and if it isnt well........................
I wonder if the woman knows your dad has a wife and kids? I can't imagine it's a nice situation to be in at all, but I would try and keep anything from your mam that you have found to try and stop her from hurting any more than she is, and see what your dad says, if he is seeing someone else I think he'll be more bothered about the fact you found him out with extra evidence than you lookng through his stuff. Hope you're OK x
Re: Re: Re: Situation! You can't resolve this without upsetting someone, he needs to tell you why he lied about being in scotland when he wasn't. It's him with something to proove not you
Re: Re: Re: Situation! you have to explain to him that you didnt trust him, just tell us exactly what you have just said in your first post, why you didnt trust him, that you didnt want to snoop around etc etc, if he has an explanation for this, he shouldnt be too bothered, and should understand and reassure you. if he gets angry, looks uncomfotable, etc, you might have to involve your mam at some point, if you believe him to be lying, and lets face it, he is your dad, you would probably know. the only thing i would say, is be prepared for the worst. the absolute worst, as from then hopefully it can only get better, and things will be out in the open, or your mind will be at rest. just be prepared chick, good luck, these things can be so shitty, but if you just bury your head in the sand, it can get a lot worse. :hug:
I have been in a similar situation a few years back. My way to deal with it wasn't the best. Good luck though it's a shit thing to have to do for anyone.
Thanks guys I felt stupid posting it on a message baord but I needed advice as my head is in bits! My Dad gets back from Spain on Sunday (with my Mam) I am going to say that someone I know seen him in the hotel in Newcastel on that Friday. I am then going to say I thought you were in Scotland! See how he reacts to that (I then dont have to say I looked in his stuff) if he lies then I will show him the receipt (as I photocopied it) At least it then gives him the chance to tell the truth to me and if he lies again then that proves how much I mean to him as well as my Mam! As for having that number I know its a woman whom may I add sounds a lot younger than him! :evil: But I have no proof that she is that woman! I want to know who the person is on the end of the phone but I cant find that out anyway???? I used to admire my dad I was always a Daddy's girl and I looked up to him and would always respect him Im gutted he could do this!
I think keeping that from your mum would do more damage to her in the long run. Its certainly not nice and even worse to be in the middle of it but think how you'd feel if that was being kept from you. My faith in men has always been very low and again we have another complete arsehole (sorry dont mean to be harsh as its your dad but you know what i mean....). I dont understand why so many people are dishonest As far as lossing a perfect family .... well theres no such thing, I know that all too well. Its shit, but thats life. I know Id rather support my mum through anything that watch her be fucked over.
Either way ppl are going to get hurt I am hurting at the minute as well as being so angry! I am mostly concerned about my mam! You dont have to answer this but how come you ended up in trouble? BTW thanks!
Your right he is an arsehole! :evil: This will tear my Mam apart her life revovles aroounf my Dad she doesnt work and all her mates are through My Dad she has no sisters or brothers she has me but I cant be tehre 24/7 as muc as Id like to be! This is going to kill her and all I can do is be there for her as much as I can- but that will not be enough!
I wont go into details as it's private but he and half of my family haven't spoke to me since. Oh well not to worry
When you ask him you'll know by his reaction. Blokes can't lie when they have been found out about something. Not speaking from experience though.
No matter how much my life revolved around someone, if they were cheating .... even if it were just once that'd be it, Id be so digusted Id never be able to let them near me again! And Im sure most people are the same .... some things are forgiveable but that kind of betrayal isnt.