Silent Hill - What actually happens.. I'm being told the eason they are still in the 'fog world' at the end of the film is because they died in the car crash at the start.. I'm not buying this though. I'm thinking it's more to do with a parallel reality of good and evil.. Anyone?
its because the little girl is still evil so she takes the evil realm with her where ever she goes. I thought the film was excellent.
yeah thats what i thought. I'm being told that it's cos they died but i was like yeahh.. that would be shit.
i think that they are dead but still think that they are alive, so they are living on some type ov paralell universe. or somat like that anyway lol good film
Re: Silent Hill - What actually happens.. Basically there are three panes of reality, one where the dad is, one where the woman and child end up after they die in the crash, and the dark one where they cross over to. Thats my understanding anyway