Signatures... I'm thinking about stopping people putting images in their signature files. This is to make the site faster for modem users and to also keep the pages a bit shorter for ease of use. So basically.... Should I do this?
It only bothers me when people have huge pics in their sig. Take the crasher biard for instance. Looking at sigs like that all the time would really do me head in! I dont mind iccle ones tho!
If it was possible I would make it so peeps can just have small ones but allas there is not the option. To police it manually would take too long.
as long as they ain't too big i ain't bothered bout them.......... i can't get a faster connection cos i live out in the sticks & broadband ain't available where i live!!!
There's an option in user option whether to show sig in posts or not so if ya dont wanna see em turn em off.
im a hypocrite in what im about to say but i dont see problem so long as they aint too big... *looks at his sig* oops...maybes have a height and size restriction. Some of them put a grin on my face, anything that makes me smile should stay
images in ur sig are a good thing if ur talented enuf to design them urslef....(spud/Godscrasher/Ste/Moi)