Signatures There is people's signatures that are fucking my PC up by making it freeze and im sure others too, it always seems to be the animated ones and not just pictures ! Sort them out ! Thanks
Nope that would then mean that i wouldnt be able to see mine - would be a bit daft then wouldnt it ! Theres only about 2/3 that are animated and they hammer me PC
Sigs with pictures/animation are pointless really. All they do is slow the board up, especially people with 2/3/4 pics. Must say, Godscrasher's sig is the worst, takes bloody ages to load up and it's fucking pointless. Sort it out please and get rid of the shite.
Im not getting at any one individual here, but . . . Amen to Scottyfish. We dont all have broadband u know. Ban picture sigs! Writing only!