Re: Re: Re: sickies na i havent like, but this kid i work with reels off mint sickie excuses all the time. thats one of his
Nanna Died Shits Got Burgled Make sure you smoke and drink loads tonight so you can pull off the perfect "ill" voice when you call in!
go in, then get someone to call the office/reception saying there's a family emergency and you'll have to go home add the word 'private' or 'personal' to the beginning of the sentence and you wont have to come up with a dodgy excuse either i tried that with a colleague, he called the office from the phone in the canteen during morning break - i was out the door minutes later, trying to look all concerned
Na mate, unfortunately not After the last Promise there was a few of us still going on monday and all rang in sick, and we were daring each other to use the line though noone would. For the best really, as i dare say we would have been unemployed by 9.05am if we had