Sick -for Sale On Ebay!!!!! Human Liver - 1 careful, 1 not so careful owner. Will throw in a couple of pickled kidneys and two bloody lungs. Email: Joking aside, the guy was a genius and with all prodigious talent there is normally a flaw. My favourite story is when a waiter knocked on his door at the London Hilton and took in a bottle of Champagne. Besty (who had been a.w.o.l. from training at Man U for a week) was on the bed in nowt but a towel surrounded by thousands of pounds he had won at a Casino, Miss World stepped out of the shower starkers after a post shag wash down. The waiter said "Mr Best, where did it all go wrong!" Bon Voyage Georgie boy - you loved the life you lived and lived the life you loved. I for one will raise a glass and a tab to you this evening. :angel3: :angel3: :angel3: :angel3: :angel3: :angel3: