sick as fuck just opened a carton of fresh orange and tipped it into glass, two dead fucking spiders just floated to the top!!!! And they werent in the in glass before hand!!!!! COMPO!
Well i just withdrew £30 from the cash point but only took my card from the machine and left the cash sitting there for someone else to take :evil:
I've done that before with £20 i stupidly ran back to see if someone had left it there!!!how naive am i???
two like little ones, their is also a leg floating too!! the customer service helpline is closed on a sunday!!1
tesco fucking value!! My GF found it in my room unopened, i never relised i had it so god knows how long its been there!! but its still no excuse for fuckin spiders to be in ma juice
serious!!!! pussy whiped ?? or is laura "house nazi" laying the law down agian! i am SO glad i moved out!!!!! her and hayley outside my room at 7.30!!! i was nearly sick on the pair of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! total hater
leon take it back, my Nan found a twig in a M and S bag of crisps once and got about £20 in vouchers!!!