Should we have a "What s on" Forum For stuff that happens on nights apart from Fridays, cos all the nights advertising are boring me (I know im not in newcastle which don’t help)
I think thats a marvellous idea. That way if poeple are looking for something to do on a given night, they know where to look rather than trawling through all the posts on here
*puts hand up, but ain't this supposed to be a promise forum, i know other these nights ain't on a friday but too many is well cheaky IMO
Come on, can you see Mark paying so that other people can advertise on the board? It is getting OTT atm but people have to remember this is a Promise message board!
yeah but the more freedom of posting there is, the more people will be attracted to the board. I think it was all them rules that cut out a lot of people a while back. Maybes the adverts can help promise, and vica versa kinda thing...
i really think a ALWAYS forum would be good, for the people that venture into the back room. Just me for this then?
Would be a good idea but Promise doesn't have a specific forum either does it? I thought they were all for both!!!