Should Cats Shit In Our Toilets? One of my girl friends has bought one of these for her cat: In the hope it'll one day be able to do this: She text me today saying how proud she was that her kitten had had his first poo down the toilet. We got into a proper text debate as despite the fact I own a cat and love them, i think it's wrong a cat shitting in the same toilet a human does. My "no" argument is they're unhygienic, look horrible to house guests and are part of this modern trend of trying to humanise animals. Her "yes" argument is they're approved by vets, are cleaner and better for the environment. She said 4 people in her office agreed with her. I said i bet if you asked 100 people more would disagree then agree. So what do you lot think, should cats shit in our toilets?
categoric NO from me like! i question why anyone would own a cat anyway, but allowing one to share your toilet with the aid of a custom made seat is like the ramblings of a maniac!
Ask your girlfriend if she shits in the toilet at work. I bet she says no. But she'll let a cat shit in the one at home.
Theres only one type of pussy I would allow on my thrown, and can fucking guarantee it doesnt have four legs!!!!
I can just imagine a cat falling down the bog hole and someone not paying any attention just flushing it Im not bothered where cats shit as long as i dont have to pick it up.
On the plus side, if you came up for a slash and you found it taking a dump, (and you hate the cat), you could always piss on it's face...