I was thinking you musta got into trance properly Hannah and that thread was gonna be about Armins latest album Go put a jumper on lass
I get that all the time. I can be sitting there warmer than santas socks then all of a sudden my hands go freezing and i start shivering. It's like bursts of shivers actually. No good
Reet this calls for drastic measures!! Im going to bed at a decent hour so I can snuggle reet up in my duvet!
eh cheers there was a money spider on my bed yesterday ... serverly lacking this $$$$$$$$ it promises tho
I never found the beast that was in my room that time when i wasn't sure if it had fallen inside my monitor or not.
Re: Shivers its horrible when your like that aint it..you could be comming down with a cold or someting...hope your ok :hug:
Re: Re: Shivers Im fine ..... theres going to be no sickness this weekend, not on my only proper night out away from djing etc :tut: