shitty 8310s! Help pleeeeeease! Fucking hell, wot a pain in the arse! My 8310 is dead as cyber! It's been pretty ok, not turning itself in the middle of txts or calls too much, but I turned it on and off last night, now it won't turn back on at all! I'm using a fucking Ericsson A1018s, and it's FUCKING SHITE! Does anyone who's going to Si's tonite have a spare half-decent handset I can borrow for a couple of weeks while I get mine repaired? If I've gotta use this fucking brick, I'm gonna kill some fucker, and it might be YOU! please? here's a pic, and yes, it's life-size (i.e. the size of a fucking cow!)
NO if anyone has an old 3210 handset (dsent need battery, cover, buttons or anything i really really neeeeeed one please, i love that phone, but the thing is i need it, i will pay cash please write back to this thread i love you if you can find me one (no alternative cash offers accepted you must take lucys love and spread it, not just flush it down the lavatory)
if you've got an 8310 on orange or t-mobile (i think), cos they offer line 2's there is a software fault and all the fones do this!!unlucky!!
T-Mobile great package (ta phil!) Shite fones! I'm sick of that fone, I'm gonna have to fuck about taking it back, and I know it's gonna happen again, and it's gonna be shit hard to get a diff fone, twats Fucking love that fone too!
i work at orange (until tomorrow anyway) and they've got a new type of 8310 that actually works and they gona start replacing them soon!!
ive got an 8310 keeps bringing the message up "how are you" then when i press ok it turns off for a sec but think its summit 2 do with the sim card (done it on my 8210 4 a bit also with the same sim) i ordered my 3rd one 2day though!
U can change the software on the fone to solve this problem, its just finding someomne with the cables of software upgrades etc to do so