Shindig last night Who went? Was it good? We were gonna go but it was deadlate by the time we got to town! Havent spoke to my sister she was there shes in work in an hour and a half Im going to laugh at her. Anyway anything good get played? Who actually played?
dimitri, kid creme, junior jack. Was gonna go down but didnt make it. ended up off my face trying to DJ. Revel
I saw you in Camp David with everyone! I tried to say hello but you were walking out and I was like in the corner. It was good in Camp David!! I luved the music.
Really good night. I was fucking freezing but once I started jumping around that was all forgotten about. Didn't like Dimitri at all but, imo, Junior Jack and Kid Creme were class. One of the last few tunes they played was Junior Jack "Thrill Me" (Morillo Remix) which still sounds good a few years on After party at Digital was awesome too.....
Awww I love that tune It is mint!! Im gutted I didnt go now Im at work in an hour though so probably best!
A big thanks to everyone who came down yesterday. Once again we were lucky with the weather all the praying i did last week paid off. got a bit cold late on but nothing like past years. the after party went off aswell all in all one of my fave birthbay parties so far.
After Hifi north l watched/heard this from my window (I could see the stage perfectly!), as l was feeling well ruff! Wish l'd went it it sounded quality!
Earlier in the day I was starting to think that it was ready for an absolute downpour then the sky's just cleared leaving not a cloud in sight. Excellent night....... again!!
No I wasnt! I was downstairs, were you with Ali? Im sure I saw her then you's all walked downstairs and left but I had just got up to town about half an hour before that. I had two very strong drinks in Camp David and too many before I left the house
Baltic Quay, so l had no choice in listening to it, l wasnt complaining though We're on the far right of the building looking from Newcastle side so l havent got a balcony you've made me feel like a right pauper! Which building you in? Baltic as well? You would have thought they might have given us residents tickets for it