Shindig - Jan 2006 Sat 7th RESIDENTS NEW YEAR PARTY MEMBERS FREE!! (Subject To Capacity) Sat 14th Room 1 : AXWELL / SEBASTIAN INGROSSO (Size Records/Sweden) / DEL Room 2 : DOMENIC CAPPELLO (Sub Club) / NEIL BAINBRIDGE Sat 21st Room 1 : DERRICK CARTER / PHIL WEEKS / SCOOBY / DEL Room 2 : JAMES TALK / SCOTT BRADFORD Sat 28th - Defected In The House Presents Room 1 : DIMITRI FROM PARIS / ROMAIN / MARK LOWRY Room 2 : FC KAHUNA / SCOTT BRADFORD
That place is the reason I'm constantly out of pocket. Travelling from Hexham every week with me mates and rinsing every single penny in me pocket (an then raiding me bank for the taxi home)
thats what i like to hear, ingrosso is a lot tougher i wouldve thought he will anthem bash a bit less than steve angello did?
Yeah Ingrosso is def a bit tougher. It's all about this one for me though Sat 21st Room 1 : DERRICK CARTER / PHIL WEEKS / SCOOBY / DEL Room 2 : JAMES TALK / SCOTT BRADFORD
7th, 12th, 21st and 28th? Those dates seem a bit wrong to me :spangled: Class line ups though will deffo be there for Derrick Carter
lol...well spotted... why didnt I change my word doc when I noticed the mistake on the website...grrr... lol..other thread edited to 14th
its boring and predictable more like, really looking forward to seeing ingrosso though, some of his stuffs been class
not really anthems become anthems because everyone likes them, therefore playing them is going to make the majority happy.
yes i know how anthems come across, it bores me to hear obvious tracks when im out, id rather hear something differant and exciting that tracks i've listened to 40times and have records of, and its predictable because everyone plays the tracks, so where was i wrong? so the shindig lads dont get the wrong idea, this isn't me slagging the dj's coming up or anything, just making my point
i like to hear new stuff to but i also like to hear anthem bashing inbetween, so i can go ballistic all night
The night with Derrick Carter and James talk will be class- I really like FC Kahuna too althoug I've only seen them play a couple times.
Dont think anyone minds if a DJ drops a couple of anthems in a set, it's just if a DJ drops a set full of them it's a bit lazy/boring.
yeh i like to hear the odd well known track too, it was just the way u made it sound like u almost wanted a classics set