neither did i but apparently theres a big shindig planned for end of december with these boys on, hopefully its true.
Sasha and Digweed 6 hours back to back Xmas special?!?!?!? Oh my fucking days!!!! Not happening - He's in Beirut on the 27th and Moscow on NYE.
Some cunt chucked a glass towards him and it smashed off the light display behind him. Needless to say he stopped and I really can't see him ever coming back!!
To be fair though, Miller had liked him for ages and to be rejected like that before he went on really annoyed him. Im not condoning what Miller did, only explaining the reasons behind it. Like Rossy said, hes apologised now and its all water under the bridge...
Either one of those DJ's is worth venturing out for. Even though a back-to-back event would be awesome, I personally reckon it's doubtful. Still can't get over that story that some one chucked glass at Sasha. I hope the culprit was given the evil eye by everyone in Digital or better yet, booted out.
sashas defo going to play again.. we have had 2 dates pencilled in this year which he "had" to shift for more glamourous gigs haha canny certain he will be back next year
It is this attitude towards British weekly clubbing that pisses me off. The mega star DJs in this country dont give a crap about it anymore it is back burner stuff for them. The major club nights are just as bad with a few only putting weekly nights on because they invested big time in bricks & motor when all the really want to do is cash in on the festival or/and the Ibiza money train. Book a foreign bloke or bird who plays good house music & will find playing at one of the UK's longest running clubbing nights a privilege instead of this sheep shagging welsh wanka.
I remember the days of Sasha playing Sundissential (yes! true!) at Club Uropa in Leeds.... on the same Bill as people like de Vit & Ian M.... He had a strop back then years ago aswell when a beach ball was being punched about the crowd and it landed on the turntable (back when DJ's played vinyl) - His face was a picture as the needle skated across the vinyl... not impressed...
Are you sure he wasn't already pulling that expression? Miller and some kid were practically sucking him off in Manchester and he still looked like an arse.