Shindig 2nite Anyone off to the dig 2nite? I AM and for once i wont b feeling messy off the nite b4 as i stayed in last nite.
I went and had quite a good night actually, funky house is quality. Still wish I had made it to Crasher though
Shindig was fucking awesome last nite. cj macintosh played one of the best sets ive ever hear, was amazing when he played "so much love to give" ive never seen foundation go that mad. top nite!
I went, it was my first time at Shindig and I certainly wasn't expecting to enjoy it very much after everything I have read on the board and from what I had heard but hell was I wrong!!! I had a great time, everything was spot on, not my preferred choice of music but made a really nice change although I can't do that funky dancing shit (actually, I just can't dance!). The lesson here kids is don't believe everything you hear and always try first before making ur mind up about something!
yeah Shindig was good on Sat. Never seen CJ Macintosh before but he was on fire, had the whole place jumping all night. Highlight of the night was "So much Love to Give" woo hoo luv that tune
I was there on saturday 2, had my works Xmas party (I know, I know it sounds crazy but true!) in Newcastle so I made a sharp exit and headed for The Dig Fantastic nite, roof almost came off when CJ dropped 'so much...' - then straight after he dropped Pete Heller 'Big Love' That brought back some wicked memories
Does so much love to give get played at every single house night at the minute? As if it wasnt repetitive enough