Shearer anouncement Shearer has just announced that he WILL play another season. Source: Sky Sports News
tis class news for your lot like yeah! he'll be a BIG miss once he packs hard to find a replacement too thats even half as god as mary! he's a top drawer player like, cant deny that! 110% effort every single time
i am unconvinced until i see some quotes, this news is on sky sports the bbc and but there are no qoutes!! where has this information come from? how do they know?? i want him to stay on as much as the next person...but remember what day it is...
just been on they are supposed to be first with all offical club news, i think something as big as this would have been on there...
I'm not Fred's biggest fan, but this is pretty good!!! Meanwhile Newcastle Chairman Freddy Shepherd was quoted in the Daily Mirror in early March as saying: "He has said he will quit but, listen, I said I loved my wife when I left her this morning. Wait until tomorrow morning. Things change. I cant wait to see him bag a few against the mackems next season