Sharing bandwidth Does anyone know where I can get some sort of software on the net so that it divides up the bandwidth for everyone equally on our network?! Got the Belgian housemate on some telephone thing through the net and it's slowing everyone e;se's connection right down. Either that or he's got a massive porn collection.
Unless you have a machine as a server (serving the net) its not really possible to do using software, as the traffic is sent out using your router/switch, some routers do ahve bandwidth control but that means buying a new router.
Re: Sharing bandwidth Certainy can yeah - theres loads of software for windows that lets u do stuff like that. Basically what u need to do is install sum of the software below on the PC that has the main internet connection (the one that shares it out to the rest...) and then u can set a limit per machine, using IP address, MAC address etc... Have a look at some of these below anyways: If them ones aint any good just have a search thru google for "limiting bandwidth windows" theres a fair few guides etc
Wont that only work if the net is being shared through a computer, i use Netlimiter myself just to restrict access/bandwidth for applications. I have used it to restrict bandwidth when i was using a computer as a router but ive since changed to a hardware router.
yeah if she is using a hardware router then it needs to be configured on that instead. u can usually (depending on the router) allocate bandwidth as u please...